Foundation Subjects

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Our Curriculum

At St Marys our curriculum aims to provide children with the skills, knowledge and behaviours for learning that can be applied across all subject areas, and in all aspects of life.

For foundation subjects we use the Kapow curriculum, following the core skills from the National Curriculum, to form the basis for each year groups learning journey. Our curriculum ensures that skills and knowledge are progressive and children build and extend on their prior knowledge as they move through the school.


Assessment in foundation subjects

We assess children’s attainment and progress in each subject throughout the year and share these with parents in parents meetings and in children’s end of term reports.

At the beginning of a foundation subject sequence of learning, children’s current knowledge and understanding is assessed, we call this assessment for learning (AFL), and we use information to support future planning.
After the sequence of learning is finished, we re-assess the children’s knowledge and understanding to measure attainment and progress.

Subject specific assessment sheets are used to monitor attainment and progress throughout the lesson sequence. Below you will find an example:

Assessment Fs