Relationships and Life Skills at St. Mary’s
From the academic year 2020-2021, all primary schools in England have been directed to teach Relationships and Health Education (RSHE). The government set out guidance about what they expect children to know by the time they leave primary education but it is up to schools to decide how they will teach this. Schools are encouraged to discuss their approach with parents and carers.
There is no legal requirement for schools to teach sex education but the government recommends children learn about some key areas before they leave primary school.
As with other subjects, we work hard to make sure the lessons meet the needs of the children and are age appropriate. These topics are really important in helping children deal with current experiences and also to prepare them for the next stage of their education and ultimately for adult life.
We recognise the important role you play in educating your children and this is especially true for RSHE. It is important that children can discuss and ask questions both at home and at school.
What will your child be learning about?
As a school, we have chosen to use lesson plans from Kapow Primary, an online provider of resources for primary schools. These lessons cover the statutory requirements and have been carefully planned to be age appropriate. They also give the opportunity for children to revisit topics in different year groups. This is important as they will learn more and see things differently as they mature.
The lessons are divided up into three overarching themes:
Families and Relationships Health and Wellbeing Safety and the Changing Body
Below is a summary of the areas covered within each theme: