

At St. Mary’s, we are committed to providing a broad and balanced curriculum that engages and motivates children to be life-long learners.

For foundation subjects we use the Kapow curriculum, following the core skills from the National Curriculum, to form the basis for each year groups learning journey. Our curriculum ensures that skills and knowledge are progressive and children build and extend on their prior knowledge as they move through the school.

Our writing curriculum has been developed alongside our foundation subjects to ensure opportunities for cross curricula writing. During EYFS and Key Stage One, phonics is taught using the Little Wandle Letters and Sounds Revised scheme. Across the school, maths is planned and taught using White Rose.

Year group learning journeys are planned each term and are designed to build cross curricular links to help children learn more and remember more that they can apply in other subjects.


At St Mary’s CP School, we are committed to providing a curriculum which:

  • Is nurturing and puts the needs of all children at the heart of everything we do.
  • Is planned to be relevant and inspiring by providing exciting, stimulating opportunities, that enable every individual to enjoy learning and achieve.
  • Supports the needs of all pupils through flexible adaptations.
  • Invites children’s ideas and curiosity to form part of our learning journey.
  • Develops and inspires inquisitive minds.
  • Supports every child to experience success and feel valued.
  • Respects British Values, instilling a sense of democracy, liberty and the rule of law.
  • Embraces the wider community and encourages respect for our diverse society irrespective of faith, race, belief or culture.
  • Promotes a willingness to participate in and respond positively to different opportunities.

So that our children:

  • Feel safe and secure, included, listened to and valued.
  • Are resilient.
  • Are confident that they can succeed.
  • Demonstrate mutual respect and co-operation.
  • Are aware of our place in the world, having a sense of belonging and responsibility.
  • Value all members of our community the wider world.
  • Develop wide ranging skills that promote opportunity.
  • Feel proud of themselves, our school and all that they achieve.

Religious Education – Parent’s have a right to withdraw their children from any or all RE lessons. Please speak to your child’s class teacher for information about what they will be learning in RE and whether you would like your child to be withdrawn from the lesson.