At St. Mary’s, we are committed to providing blended learning for all our pupils regardless of whether they are educated at school or at home. Blended learning is a two- way process of teaching. The first is using face to face interaction to educate (in school) whilst the second is through electronic platforms to educate online (remote learning).
As a school, we have adapted our curriculum so that any child who needs to learn from home due to a COVID related absence, can access the same learning that is happening for the whole class.
It is very important that children accessing remote learning at home do the work that is sent by their teacher. We have carefully changed our curriculum to provide access to both in-school education and home provision and by not doing the work set, children will be at a disadvantage when returning to school as they will not be at the same point as their peers in the sequence of lessons.
Our remote learning plan for whole group bubble closures
Class teachers will host a TEAMS meeting every morning – we will do our best to ensure that this is accessible to all children and will consider those with siblings in other classes. During this meeting, the teacher will explain the work for the morning and deliver some teaching points. An afternoon TEAMS meeting will be held to deliver the afternoon work and to explain key concepts. The class teacher will be available to pupils in the morning until 12 and in the afternoon until 3pm. They will be available via the chat facility in their TEAMS and through email.
All work will be made available using TEAMS, through the Assignments function or Files. For those families unable to access TEAMS, alternative provision will be made.
Pupils will be set an English and maths task for each day as well as an afternoon task, linked to what they would have been doing in school.
Children are expected to submit/email their work to their class teacher by the end of that day. Feedback will be given by the end of the following day.